About Writer Mom

Jewel Eliese
2 min readNov 28, 2017


Writing can be an isolating journey, so can motherhood (no matter what stage of it you’re in).

Writer Mom is a publication where moms who write can share their fiction poetry, articles that discuss our writing and mom-ing (that’s a word, right?)

Founded by the creators of Write Away, Mommy and Writer Moms Inc., who decided it would be fun to join our writer mom forces in the world of Medium!

We believe there is always something to learn from each other, so lets do it together!

With us you can:


Writer Mom is a place that understands the late night writing sprees. The piles of dirty dishes that need attending but are ignored. The laundry that never (and I mean NEVER) ends, and most important we under stand doing it all with the added challenge of keeping tiny (and not so tiny) humans alive.

Once you finally get a moment to yourself you can read for entertainment, to learn a bit about the process of writing, or dive into the everyday lifestyle of a writer mom, on Writer Moms!

Get Noticed

Publishing can be hard and maybe you don’t have time to blog, Medium is a fantastic platform for helping writers find their readers! Writer Mom can be a great home for your work, especially since there are still very few places for mothers to share their writing/mom-ing journeys.

With us, your pieces will be shared with our growing audience of moms just like you, who are trying their best to navigate the world of writing all while staying sane and being the best mom you can be.


So, grab some coffee, tea, or a warm glass of much deserved wine, have a seat and type out some amazing words to share with us! Together, we can strive to become better writers and mothers.



Jewel Eliese
Jewel Eliese

Written by Jewel Eliese

Published on Scary Mommy, & Thought Catalog. 3x Amazon bestselling author. Writer Mom. A bit sassy. Loves words + baby kisses. Reach me at jeweleliese@gmail.com

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